It doesn’t add up

*Surplus now $6 billion in 2022/23.

It doesn't add up, Mr McGowan.

Western Australia is the best place in the world to live.

We have a rich soils, a thriving economy built on passion, hard work and sacrifice.

The McGowan Labor Government has delivered two consecutive budget’s with significant surpluses. A windfall of good fortune, not good management.

Right now, WA is operating with $6 billion surplus.

So why are we facing a housing crisis, with more and more West Australians unable to find a place to live?

Why is our health system crumbling, pushing staff to breaking point?

Why are ambulances ramped outside hospitals at the highest rate in our State’s history, putting patients lives at risk?

All while more and more people in our communities are struggling to makes ends meet.

It’s not good enough and the people of WA deserve so much more.

This State Government has your $6 billion surplus locked away.

It doesn’t add up, Mr McGowan. 

*Surplus now $6 billion in 2022/23.